Release procedure
This document describes what is needed to make and publish a new release of JNode.
- Start with a clean copy of the SVN trunk (no extra files, no missing files)
- Update all patches to be included in the release
- If the checked-in copy of "builder/lib/jnode-configure-dist.jar" is older than any of the source code for the tool (in "builder/src/configure"), run the following:
$ cp all/build/descriptors/jnode-configure.jar \
$ svn commit builder/lib/jnode-configure-dist.jar
- Set the new version number in the "jnode-ver" property in build.xml
- Execute "build clean"
- Execute "build" and verify the build
- Boot and test the system from the network
- Boot and test the system in VMWare
- Execute "build cd-x86"
- Boot and test the system from the CDROM
- Boot and test the system from the CDROM DHCP target
- Execute "ant -f all\build.xml upload"
- Create release in SF File Release system
- Mark release hidden
- Write release notes and changelog
- Attach jnode-{version}.iso.gz to release
- Set attributes to "i386", "gz"
- Attach jnodesources-{version}.tar.gz to release
- Set attributes to "Platform independent", "gz"
- Verify the upload by downloading the uploaded files
- Mark release active
Website adjustments
- Add new changelog book page "from {previous-version} to {version}", copy entries from changelog "from {previous-version} to current SVN version"
- Empty changelog "from {previous-version} to current SVN version"
- Create static page "Release {version}", with Download term and mark or change the "Website" option from "<none>" to "Downloads"
SVN actions
- Copy the entire trunk to a branch "jnode_x_y_z" where x, y, z is the version number
- Set the next development version number (x.y.(z+1)-dev) in the "jnode-ver" property in build.xml and check that in