
JNode Security

Hi All,

I've been thinking about the topic of security lately. I believe this is one of the most important issues facing IT today, even microsoft think so (so they say). I also believe it can be an area where JNode especially shines. One thing to note however is that good security doesn't just 'happen' it has to be designed into the system.

So what is our security strategy? What facilities and protection do we offer to software run on the system?

I suppose at the first level we offer the security Java does. I would say this alone really sets us aside, but is this enough?


This is an interesting concept that might find a useful application in JNode. The plug-in based architecture of JNode fits nicely with the general requirements of microrebootable software. The time has come to start thinking about simple self-healing and self-recovering capabilities that can be weaved into the microstructure of JNode.
Read the research paper on how microrebooting was applied to JBoss here.


hi i am new to this community and know nothing about jnode. plz do help me to get enlightened about jnode. and where can i get the os along with the documentation?????????

download jnode

so finished moving into the new building of sbc in san antonio - nothing really to do but read osnews - saw this new jnode with some iso's and thought it would be cool to put into vmware....

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