Release 0.2.5

This release features OpenJDK integration, Java 6 support, substantially improved consoles, experimental support for isolates and a large set of bug fixes and improvements to all parts of the system, including better memory management and increased performance.

Screenshots are available here.

The changelog can be found here.

Please check the hardware requirements.


  1. jnode_x86_0.2.5.iso.gz, gzip compressed ISO image.
    Uncompress it to burn a CD-ROM with or to use in VMWare.
  2. jnodesources_0.2.5.tar.gz, all sources.
  3. jnode_x86_0.2.5.iso.vmx, this vmx file can be directly used with free vmware-player, for easy testing JNode
  4. vmdk_jnode_0.2.5.tar.gz, this package contains two vmdk disc images to use in JNode. It features a fat32 and an ext2 partition, each 4GB in size