ext2 writes empty files or not at all

Project:JNode FS
Category:bug report

When running the test suite with ext2 as FS for mauve to write results to, the suite sometimes finished, but I never got usable result files. IIRC, I always "halt"ed and waited for "System finished" when I uploaded the results (sets below).

The size and number of files when using ext2 was considerably less than when running the testsuite with FAT (which is never a good sign for a FS :-/ , no matter what):

$ du -shc 200*
13M 2009-01-03T00-25-25
1,1M 2009-01-03T10-23-58
1,1M 2009-01-03T16-43-05
16M 2009-01-03T17-21-37

$ find 2009-01-03T00-25-25/|wc -l 938
$ find 2009-01-03T10-23-58/|wc -l 684
$ find 2009-01-03T16-43-05/|wc -l 684
$ find 2009-01-03T17-21-37/|wc -l 938

Guess which ones are FAT and which are ext2 Smiling