A way to attract new people

Here is some ideas I had to improve JNode visibility on the internet.

- improve JNode visibility by using tags for search engines (google, yahoo, ...) preferably in many languages. Typical keywords should be (in english) : jnode, java, os, operating system ...

- make the main page of JNode web multilingual ... at least for the 4 lines explaining the JNode main goal. This can also help to improve the visibility in localized search engines.

- register JNode on webring (or something similar) : in which list ? or should we register with many of these lists related to java ?

- use banner exchanges with java or os related sites : which ?

- post messages in forums (not only english ones)

- register with some web directories (yahoo, ...)

- create one (or more) mailing lists (on yahoo groups?) to attract people and moreover to keep existing ones. For example : a mailing list anouncing major JNode events may help people stay informed and maybe give them some regain of interest (especially if they was waiting for something about JNode that is now integrated)

What do you think of these ideas ? Do you have any other ones ?