Error in bootstrap

while booting JNode it skipps many things, but i can not read that fast Smiling and scrolling doesn't work (the font is still grey)
the last message i get is :

JNode initialization finished in 6119ms.
Error in bootstrap
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: org.jnode.driver.console.ConsoleManager
Trace(3):! (*102)
java.lang.class!newInstace (*199)
org.jnode.boot.Main!vmMain (*58)

i tried a "build clean" and downloaded the complete cvs tree from scratch but i got it again and again (using vmware 4)

has anyone the same problem ?

Problem solved

The problem was that the "jnode.policy" file was not actively copied into the jar files by the build script. Eclipse copies all non-java files to the build directory so that was the Eclipse vs. JDK difference.

Fix is now in CVS.


could not open log4j.xml

i managed to make a screenshot from the first error and jnode tells:

log4j:ERROR Could not open [system/log4j.xml] Unknown system resource /log4j.xml
Trace(15): org.jnode.protocol.system.SystemURLConnection!getInputStream (*39)
org.apache.log4j.xmlDOMConfiguratior!doConfigure (*602)
org.apache.log4j.helpers.OptionConverter!selectAndConfigure (*460)
org.apache.log4j.LogManager! (*64)
org.jnode.vm.VmReflections!invokeStatic (*254)
org.jnode.vm.classmgr.VmType!doInitialize (*1830)
org.jnode.vm.classmgr.VmType!initialize (*1814)! (*52)



An AccessException, which is thrown shortly after the log4j exception you mention is the real problem. The trace shows:

Error starting org.jnode.driver
org.jnode.plugin.PluginException: Permission "(jaav.util.PropertyPermission...cmdline read)" not granted.

My quickie workaround is to change the VmAccessController to never throw an AccessControlException. Hopefully we will find a more robust solution soon.

After this, I get a jnode prompt, but I get an SMBus noclassdeffound error beforehand. Hopefully this is a separate problem?

Error in bootstrap

Sometimes i have this problem, jnode skip start of some plugins due to wrong dependencies. For me this problem occurs mainly when i try to integrate my new eepro driver. If i comment plugin in the xml, jnode works correctly.


Looks like Java build problem

I've seen this once when i did a full clean build using suns JDK, once i used eclipse to build again it was gone. There is probably some compiler dependency.

Reproduced this error.

I reproduced this error, but after rebuilding about three times, it suddenly stopped being a problem, and now jnode boots properly. I am puzzled.

builds now from within eclipse

but jnode reports the same error while booting...

any other suggestions?


java.lang.OutOfMemoryError during ant (bootimage)

i can't remember how to fix this (btw ist there a possibility to search the forums? what about a problem / bug section in the forum?), i have 1GB Ram and Eclipse claims only 100MB...
i tried to build using the build.bat again but it doesn't work (that means it builds well, but jnode does not boot Sad )

Out of memory

I have the same problem i thing

build.bat builds successfully, but the image does not boot.

Eclipse responds with this:

[bootimage] Building for CPU: name:GenuineIntel family:0 model:0 step:0 features:FPU,PSE raw:00000001 756E6547 6C65746E 49656E69 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000009
[bootimage] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
[bootimage] BUILD FAILED: file:D:/projects/jnode/all/build-x86.xml:181: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
Total time: 53 seconds

JNode doesn t boot

I got the same problem trying to boot JNode after a successfull build yesterday ...


Problem/bug section?

How about the sourceforge bug tracker???

Problem section

the sourceforge bug tracker was used the last time in 2003 , the mailinglist is unused since the new homepage is online, this forum is frequently checked by many people so what about a Problem section (with a little bug related section maybe)?
The other way : why has this portal a news section sourceforge provides one too...