Jnode on a Compact Flash card


I just wanted to let everyone know that I managed to run Jnode from a CF card. I therefore had to adjust the org.jnode.build.BootDiskBuilder to create a disk image that fits the CF card (simply changed the org.jnode.build.BootDiskBuilder.geom:Geometry member.

Then I dd'd the all/build/jnodedisk.dat file to the CF device (I used a CF 2 PCMCIA adapter to plug the CF into my laptop). To boot from CF I used a CF 2 IDE Adapter so I could put the CF into another pc and it worked. The two adapters did cost me 30 Euros. I used a 32MB CF so hopefully there will be enough space for future Jnode releases.

I think this is a good alternative for all who don't have VMWare.



Hi, i really like this idea. Please submit the exact changes you made.

It was just one line ...

... as I said. I simply adjusted the BootDiskBuilder class to the geometry of my CF card. I include a code snippet here:

package org.jnode.build;


public class BootDiskBuilder extends BootFloppyBuilder {


private Geometry geom = new Geometry(490, 4, 32);//(64, 16, 32);



I did just comment out the the old values '//(64, 16, 32);' and used the ones that syslog reported when I plugged the CF (in the PCMCIA Adapter) into the card slot. It log entry looked like:

'hde: 62720 sectors (32MB) w/1KB Cache, CHS=490/4/32'

I will try to add a task custom-bootdisk (name too long?) to the build.xml file that uses properties to configure the C/H/S. Users should then be able to set custom C/H/S properties on the command line. I will experiment a bit. Haven't used ant for quite a long time.


Make geometry configurable

We can make the geometry a property of the bootdisk task, that we can do this quite flexible.