Which FS tests are supposed to work ?
Submitted by Fabien D on Thu, 04/08/2004 - 17:04.
I have finished my huge modifications for FS (abstract classes for FSDirectory, FSEntry, FSFile and FSObject) and have tested the following :
- added some JUnit test (FileDevice with FatFileSystem) and they succeed under Eclipse
- I can build, and boot JNode
- I can do cd, dir and mkdir under JNode shell
- I have tryed LfnTest and FileTest but there is an AccessControlException
Which other FS tests are supposed to work ?
I ask this because, before committing (risk of regression), I would like to do more test.
Or do you think I can commit even if I haven't made other tests ?
I have absolutely not tested Ext2FileSystem, ISO9660FileSystem, and NTFSFileSystem
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The file tests are outdated
You should test the ext2, fat, iso9660 and ntfs instead.
I don't understand !
I don't understand what you say !
What is outdated ?
What do you mean by test the ext2, fat, iso9660 and ntfs instead ?
I have tested with a FileDevice (this device allow me to test in a safe way). Maybe I can use real devices and partitions that I create just to test JNode FS.
Send the patch file
Hi, I have a lot of filesystems on test-pc's that i don't care for that much, so if you send me the patches, i can help you test it on a real filesystem.
Contributor patch and unstable branch
I think it's a good idea to have a contributor patch section and/or an "unstable" branch of jnode where developers can take theirs code for testing/debugging by others developers or users
I agree, I'll set it up.
Send too me your modified fil
Send too me your modified files on a ZIP.
I test on ext2 my cp command.