boot.log , Is it a good iddee ?
Submitted by thebubble on Wed, 04/21/2004 - 08:42.
Sometime, on the boot we can't show an error message beacause the screen scoll very quickly.
Perhaspe you can add a logwriter, this logger put boot message on a buffer until RAMDISK is up.
When it is, he can flush the buffer into a file /jnode/boot.log.
Is it a good iddee ?
Somebody need that ?
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I think it is.
This feature would be very useful and the proposed "sequence-diagram" looks fine.
Imagine a centralized database where thousand of Jnode users would voluntarily send their bootlogs in order to evaluate Jnode's stability : what a dream
Have you tried shift+upkey to scroll ?
I know that the buffer of lines for console is limited.
Sometime (but not at boot for me) even when using shift+upkey the first lines of the console are lost.
However, after typing some shell commands, boot messages are lost.