

remoteout [--udp | -u] --host | -h <host> [--port | -p <port>] Copy console output and logging to a remote receiver
Running the remoteout command tells the shell to copy console output (both 'out' and 'err') and logger output to a remote TCP or UDP receiver. The options are as follows:

  • --host | -h <host> - this option specifies the hostname or IP address of the host running the remote receiver.
  • --port | -p <port> - this option specifies the port number for the remote receiver. The default port is 5612.
  • --udp | -u - this option tells remoteout to use UDP. The default is to use TCP. UDP is inherently lossy, but TCP mode currently does not allow logger output to be captured; see Bugs.

Before you run remoteout on JNode, you need to start a TCP or UDP receiver on the relevant remote host and port. The JNode codebase includes a simple receiver application implemented in Java. You can run as follows:

    java -cp $JNODE/core/build/classes org.jnode.debug.RemoteReceiver &

Running the RemoteReceiver application with the --help option will print out a "usage" message.


  1. Before you run remoutout, you will need to configure JNode networking.
  2. If you have problems getting remoteout to work, check that network access is not being blocked by a network firewall or local firewall software on the remote host. (TCP and UDP access on non-standard ports like 5612 is often blocked by default.)
In addition to the inherent lossiness of UDP, the UDPOutputStream implementation can discard output arriving simultaneously from multiple threads.

Logger output redirection is disabled in TCP mode due to a bug that triggers kernel panics.

There is currently no way to turn off console/logger copying once it has been started.

Running remoteout and a receiver on the same JNode instance, may cause JNode to lock up in a storm of console output.