ant build.xml for a plugin

has anyone a buildfile to build just one plugin, instead of building all plugins?
(e.g. this is useful for third party plugins)
I am sure to be able to write one by myself, but I would like to see one in the doc of JNode.
So if someone has one, will we see it in the documentation?


Custom task

There is a custom task to do that.
Have a look at the "normal" build.xml for information on how to use it.


I know

that there is the

But I thougth it would be nice to provide the possibility to build Plugins without downloading the whole JNode source.

What I think would be nice is some kind of JNode Plugin Development Kit.

So that someone is able to provide his / her program / project as Plugin to JNode.



I think we should be able to make an antlib to do this.
