events / plugins

are there events fired if a plugin is added or removed ?
If so, where will I be able to add a listener for such an event?


Not ... but

There is no such event listener.
There is however an interface on extension points to listen for connected extensions. This means that you get an event if a plugin is loaded/unloaded that implement this extension point.


I need it in general

I implement this virtual filesystem, I told you about.
Within this I collect several information about many different things, and so I have a directory called plugins, containing one file for each plugin. On startup of my filesystem all loaded plugins are recognized by my code and the files are created (in memory only).
I am able to do a refresh on that directory every now and then by deleting every file and create all files from scratch.
That will do the task and at every given time the directory is up to date, but its not the way I wish to do it.

Why plugins directory

Hi, why do we need this plugins directory?

Having this directory could be a serious security risk, so please explain.


I do not know...

I did not say that we (or JNode) need that, but I need that directory.
That is because my task is to write a filesystem.
The supervisior of my thesis and I agreed in making a virtual one because a real (new) filesystem is too complex for this semester thesis.
And to have something to compare with and to show that my thesis covers deep knowlegde about JNode we decided to make something like the /proc filesystem. And so my plugins directory is something like the modules file in /proc. The provided information for now are : pluginname, version and the prerequisites. Maybe more to come.
My filesystem is read only and it exists only in memory.
The mentioned events / listeners do not need to be implemented. I thought they could be helpful in solving my task.
Please explain your security concenrs connected to my plugins directory in detail.
