Graphics Trouble
Submitted by samreid on Mon, 11/15/2004 - 08:41.
JNode 0.1.5 worked fine on my Sony Vaio, including the little graphics available in that release.
Now, booting finishes and the command line appears properly, but whenever I try AWTTest or BoxWorld, I get a black screen and have to reboot (AWTTest prints many lines in white before dying.)
Any idea what's wrong? 0.1.8 had the same problems. I'm guessing it's an incompatibility in graphics initialization, but I really don't know.
I think charvax still works fine.
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You can simply test the graphics with the FBTest command. As a result some colorful graphics should appear.
FBTest works fine.
FBTest works fine, but AWTTest still dies after printing out about 20 lines, then something about TTFonts.
WTTest fails with a NPE at JNServer.start (line 76), with an error message the line above No hardware cursor found on device fb0.
even GraphicsTest fails (blank screen, unrecoverable)
JDPTest fails with a NPE in BasicInternalFrameUI.getDesktopManager(1555) ie, this line of code:
DesktopManager value = frame.getDesktopPane().getDesktopManager();
so the frame is null, or its desktoppane is null.
Any help is appreciated. I'm kind of debugging in the dark here.
Error message?
WTTest is not interetsing at the moment (maybe any more),
JDPTest does not work for me either (problem with Swing suport in JNode) but AWTTest and BoxWorld are expected to work at some degree.
What error message do you get when, AWTTest fails, or how does it fail? As a tip try to run the gc before strating the the graphics mode; try increase the amount of RAM if possible, though 500MB should be fine (this just a configuration which works, without further comments).
AWTError and NPE
Usually it's a black screen (unrecoverable), but after a gc, then AWTTest, I get an AWTError from JNodeToolkit(484), the defaultScreenDevice is coming back null.
Second time running AWTTest (same session of jnode) gives NPE at SwingToolkit.createFrame(130), I think the desktopFrame is null, and desktopFrame.getDesktop() is the NPE candidate.
Can you post the stacktrace?
BufferedImage uses an IndexColorModel, which has several methods not implemented. Superclass ColorModel throws UnsupportedOperationExepcion in createSampleModel, etc...
Screen Size?
I haven't been able to reproduce a stacktrace (weird).
I noticed that the VGA implementation suggests state640x480x16, is it possibly that my Sony Vaio laptop with 15" screen cannot support this resolution, and this is my problem?
FBTest works fine (didn't check if that uses VGA) but I checked my normal windows driver for this screen, and it bottoms out at 800x600.
I traced the program death to where
StandardVGA is in method: startService(VgaIO io) {
and calls the first line:
Is this my problem? How to fix?