JNode License Question

I've been looking at JNode for a while now but am finally getting to a place where I was hoping to get involved. First however I have a question about how the project is licensed. According to the SourceForge page it is licensed with LGPL however I didn't see that anywhere in the downloads or source file headers. Is that how it is intended to be licensed?

Secondly, I was digging through some of the source and came across the Plugin code. This code looks an awful lot like the Eclipse source code for their plugin system. In fact, I would say it was derived from the Eclipse source directly. That is where my concern comes in. Eclipse, now under the Eclipse Public License (EPL), specifically states in their license FAQ that you cannot take EPL source and relicense it under a different license. ( http://www.eclipse.org/legal ) I'm no legal expert but it looks like you are free to take the Eclipse code, modify it and redistribute it, however it must be done under the EPL. What is everyones elses take on this?

Does the EPL allow me to take the Source Code for a Program licensed under it and include all or part of it in another program licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) license or other Open Source license?
No. Only the owner of software can decide whether and how to license it to others. Contributors to a Program licensed under the EPL understand that source code for the Program will be made available under the terms of the EPL. Unless you are the owner of the software or have received permission from the owner, you are not authorized to apply the terms of another license to the Program by including it in a program licensed under another Open Source license.

What are my obligations if I copy source code obtained from Eclipse.org and licensed under the Eclipse Public License and include it in my product that I then distribute?
Source code licensed under the EPL may only be redistributed under the EPL.


JNode is licensed under the LGPL license.
The reason this was not in the sources, had to do with lazyness and lack of knowledge, but in the CVS version all (except for 1 or 2 files) the headers are correct with the license text.

The plugin system is indeed based on ideas of the eclipse project, but the source code is not. The implementation is fairly different, although the interfaces are pretty close.

About EPL, well i don't know.
