when to use Counter, Statistic ... ?

Hi all,

As I was developping a cache for block devices, I used counters of type long for statistics.

And I have just discovered the classes Counter and Statistic. Should I use them ? I guess they have a special meaning and use but I don't see exactly which.

Here is their inheritance :
Counter -> Statistic -> VmSystemObject -> BootableObject

Could someone clarify this ?

I have just made the "onheap"

I have just made the "onheap" command and had made my own counter, but seeing your topic made me change to use the org.jnode.util.Counter. Where to use the object looks from a usages search like is/can be placed in many places.


Not sure to understand

I am not sure to understand what you said.
I have searched for usage of the class in JNode but it doesn't really say me if I should use or should not use it.


As it's a part of the org.jno

As it's a part of the org.jnode.util package I guess one can use it "over all". It's now used mainly in the org.jnode.net and org.jnode.vm subpackages, but I can't see why we can't use them as we like.
