update of the class File from the Classpath version
Eclipse don't seems to be able to compare 2 files if one is not in a CVS repository.
So, I will have to compare by hand.
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Eclipse don't seems to be able to compare 2 files if one is not in a CVS repository.
So, I will have to compare by hand.
Use cp-compare
Use the cp-compare task in the build.
You must have a classpath directory in the same directory that contains the jnode directory.
Also a classpath-5.0 directory is needed that contains the classpath generics-branch.
diff command
The cp-compare task needs the 'diff' unix command.
to emulate a unix environment and run unix commands.
Since I am under windows, I will have probably to install cygwin
See http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/diffutils.htm
thanks for the link
Thanks, now it work and I use Winmerge to merge (do you know a better tool ?).
Could you (or someone else) remove any kind of modification that is not really needed in the ClassPath parts of JNode ?
Instead of only having structural changes due to refactoring or different approach, I also have problems with code formatting (braces on one line statments). The worst : the method reordering in the source, that make the diff/merge tool completely lost !
Merge via eclipse
Eclipse has a very good merge tool called "Apply patch" in the Team menu.