Setting the timezone / offets on JNode startup

Project:JNode Core
Category:bug report

During the boot process, we create the temp directory in the ramdisk (/jnode/tmp).

The setting of the lastModified attribute imply a reading (from ClassPath code) of /etc/localtime and /etc/timezone that doesn't exist.

We need to find a way to get/store the timezone and the localtime.


These files are read from VMTimeZone, which we control/implement ourselves.
So we should change it in VMTimeZone.

This does not change the issue, that we need a way to store it. Probably a plugin preference.


Title:During the boot process, we create the tem» Setting the timezone / offets on JNode startup

[Setting a decent issue title]

Another approach to this (and similar) configuration issues would be to create a simple command to set the timezone and arrange that it was run automatically on JNode startup. (I'm thinking of a really simple version of UNIX / Linux "init.rc" files.)