How to handle dualhead on single card? Any ideas?
Submitted by kiloboot on Tue, 07/12/2005 - 11:26.
Possible solution
1) Driver creates Core object
2) Core object
2.1) detect hardware configuration
2.2) grab resources (fb, mmio, ports)
2.3) creates VgaIO[] (size == 1, if there is only one CRT)
2.3.1) every VgaIO object register DeviceDataChannelAPI (for grab information about monitors)
2.4) create configurations[] (in configuration we should have CRT index)
2.5) register FrameBufferAPI
AbsractFrameBufferDriver closely tied to device, so we can't create multiple FB object from one driver? Or i'm wrong?
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Child devices
The driver for the graphics card should detect that there are multiple heads. If that is the case, it should create 1 device for every head, set the correct drivers for those devices and register them with the device manager.
This parent-child relationship between devices is already used in the IDE driver. For every partition found on a disk a device is instantiated with the appropriate driver.
So more in detail.
- There is device A that is the parent device, it is detected by some means (e.g. a pci finder)
- The driver for device A detects that there are multiple heads:
- The driver for device A instantiates device B and C and sets drivers for them.
- The driver for device A registers device B and C with the device manager.
- Both the drivers for devices B and C register a FrameBufferAPI with their respective devices.
If device A stops, it also stops device B and C.
What to do with memory
What to do with memory layout? Is be fixed or changed dinamicaly?
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should be done by DeviceToDriverFinder
I think that it's to the DeviceToDriverFinder to create 2 drivers (create 2 instances of the same class).
The 2 instances of the driver must be parameterized through a parameter like "screenid" (with value 0 and 1 for dual head).
How to share resources?
How to share resources? Is memory layout fixed or dynamic?
p.s. we need simple and elegant solution..