The attached patch tidies up the ThreadCom

Project:JNode Core
Category:bug report

The attached patch tidies up the ThreadCommandInvoker class, and fixes some bugs. For example, it deals with the case where invoking the command throws an Error, and doesn't attempt to run commands in a pipeline if an upstream command fails.

issues_2212.81 KB

this patch was submitted to

this patch was submitted to trunk -> status fixed


Status:active» closed

This class makes a half-hearted attempt at implementing a command line shell; i.e. if you run " command1 ... | command2 ... ", it will use the output from "command1 ..." as input to "command2 ...".

What do people think of the idea of (me) trying to turn this into a more sophisticated "sh"-like command shell? I'd start with "<" and ">" file redirection, quoting, escaping, and environment variables.



Patch submit to trunk.
