Using GNU Arch instead of CVS

I have to tell that it isn't good RCS/VCS we have today natively written in Java. It should be good idea to make really good tool for source management in Java with all it's possibillities. But for now we haven't such tool.

Using CVS is tradicious. There is now Subversion, which very similar to CVS instead of some useful features that has been lost in CVS.

I want to offer to using another tool -- GNU Arch (
It has some very useful ideology: easy distributed and private repositories, which make possibillity to develop independenlty of centralized repository.

As the topic is back again

There is some comparison tables of many version control systems, in the gnuarch wiki page (

I think that a good alternative is the Subversion. It is newer than CVS and has many more features. (

As I know, it is open source!

I think there is server binaries for windows too.

About clients now:
I have tried the tortoisSVN for windows (I am also using tortoisCVS as CVS client), which is a very good client, intergrated with the windows explorer.
With my FreeBSD I have tried JSVN, a java SVN client Eye-wink

IDE support


What about IDE support for these tools?
Is it integrated in Eclipse?


IDE support and something more

I chat with peoples on GNU Arch IRC channel. It's very good feedback on this channel. And asked about Eclipse integration. There I got the answer and some useful tips:

It's not Eclipse pluging for GNU Arch currenlty.
But Arch uses in growing number of projects. And may be didn't used in other because it needs some time, planning, and other side-effects.

Point a view again on advantages of arch:

1) you can host arch repositories on sourceforge.
2) because it's decentralised, sourceforge support for arch isn't really needed anyway.
3) the other things are soft-benefits. Things like better merging, GPG signed changesets, offline support...

Arch on Windows?

Does the arch client and the arch server work also on Windows? From my point of view this is a very strong requirement to have success.


CVS is integrated in Eclipse


Not to be the bad boy, but CVS is supported in Eclipse Now, and
works great. I think that many people use the eclipse environment in this project and eclipse handle that very easily.
Also, Souceforge offer CVS support. I think Sourceforge does not support any other type of code repository system , so CVS is the only alternative.

I could be wrong in my assertions.



I think jCVS is a good Java-based CVS tool. Its support for SSH connections is particularly useful for sourceforge projects.


You could try is also a good javabased tool. There is a free version.

Can You Hear My Screaming Cry

Hey mans. Can you hear me.

I said: if we would have to write really new OS with good design we should use good tools. CVS really deprecated. Subversion has same design disadvantages as CVS.
Now I searching for better tool, choosing one of the: Arch, Monotone, Vesta, Stellation.

Many peoples continue using CVS cause they even didn't know about another
modern systems.

About smartcvs: I didn't expect that someone will suggest to use commercial closed-source software here.

am I in right place?
where is epr? Smiling want to hear his point of view.

This is taken from smartcvs's

This is taken from smartcvs's page:

"SmartCVS Foundation can be used free of charge (even for commercial use)."


Some words about jCVS, it's good tool for CVS users. It's written natively in Java and can be used independently from cvs unix tool. But it's another implementation of an old and worse CVS. You can tell me: "Most users now using CVS", but I want ask you: "Why people want to write Jnode instead of using Most Popular OS from M$ or derivatives on old UNiXes such as Linux. Linux great, but for now it's deprecated in design (where is OOP&D)".

I repeat. CVS was good for old days. It has some historical reasoned design breach. Some of that inconvinience solved in Subversion, but not all.

We should have better tool oriented on developer's convinience, not on implementation specific "features".
It would be using XML. and it will everything-independent. And can be easily implemented on Java.

But for now, it's good for pay attention on some better than CVS/Subversion tools.

see complex comparison of version control systems.
It shows that CVS is feature-less. I we would use something better of OpenSource tools. There are GNU Arch, Monotone and may be Vesta.
Now I examing Monotone to see what is it. How it's good.

And only question can be asked: what to use? Arch or Monotone.
leave CVS, Subversion for history, as sendmail Smiling

SmartSVN or SmArch...

Hi Vladimir,

I'm the author of SmartCVS and a lot of customers asking me for a "SmartSVN". According to some statements of subversion developers in it's dev mailing list, it seems to be a very difficult task to rewrite the client in 100% Java. Especially your statements make me wonder, whether it really would be the best to support Subversion and not of your mentioned alternatives.

Are there any serious tests, how difficult it would be to write - let's say - an Arch-, Monotone- or Vesta-client in 100% Java? Maybe their authors would be a little bit more cooperative and like to define a "standard" protocol between server and client.

Best regards,
Thomas Singer

I agree with you

I agree with you, I found gnu-arch very interesting.
Do you think Monotone or Vesta are better than Arch ?

Several weeks ago, I implemented a skeleton of GUI in JAVA for gnu-arch (calling it as an external process) with all commands described into an xml file and an interface similar to wincvs (3 panes and a menu bar). I keep in mind that a port of gnu-arch to JAVA could be done later.

Maybe it could help. But because, I just understand only a few concepts, this GUI is in stand by.
If you think you have understood all of their concepts, we could work together (you for the implementation in JAVA, and me for the GUI).