Submitted by tango_java_06 on Fri, 03/16/2007 - 13:29.
I feeling a silly problem with the ENUMARATION Operation.
The enum was a IDENTIFIER upto the SUN'sJDK1.4 and after the JDK1.5 it is treating as a Keyword for the Java World.
In the Virtual Machine of JNODE the Enumaration keyword is treated how??Should i use it as Identifier or as a keyword??
Pls,friends help me out
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Solved :-)
The problem is solved........i was using it as
"Enumeration enum = z.entries();
while ( enum.hasMoreElements() ) {
ZipEntry e = (ZipEntry) enum.nextElement();"
as the enum is now reserved keyword in JDK1.5...so it was creating problem.....JPG first knocked me....i just change it in enum1....then the problem is solved......................Thanks JPG