
added task to check coding rules

I added the ant task checkJNodeRules that is based on pmd.

It checks the java source files and warn the developper of potential source of bugs.
Warning : As explained here in the third part (end of the page), pmd reports are only warning. The aim is not to change the source code to remove messages !

The result of the analysis is located in this directory : /JNode-All/build/reports (1 file per project : JNode-FS, JNode-Net ...)

For now, the task uses only rules provided by pmd.

Open Source License to Intellij IDEA

I glad to inform that JetBrains Inc has donated a Open Source License for Intellij IDEA to the dedicated developers working on JNode.

Developers can get a license by contacting me and should only be used when working with JNode.


Help wanted! ATAPI driver

We need someone to implement an ATAPI driver as soon as possible. Please contact Ewout.

See also our Wanted forum.

JNode 0.1.5 released

JNode has just released a new intermediate version of JNode with several new exiting features. The highlights are initial GUI toolkit, read-only ext2 support, USB support, TCP support and much more. To see all of the changes, please visit our Change log.

JNode gui

The JNode project has just started on serious GUI development. A lightweight widget toolkit is under heavy development and will produce significant results soon.

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