JNode-FS For Newbies

Hello JNode Gurus,
I am trying to build a bootable JNode PC that runs JNode as its native (and only) OS.
I have tried using a Linux livecd to create and populate a drive, but the farthest I get is that GRUB boots Jnode, Jnode runs, but only from in-memory filesystems like JIFS and the initial ramdisk.

JNode does not see a FAT32 or EXT2 filesystem as "valid" and allow it to be read or written from the JNode shell.

The short version of how I am building the disk goes like this:
1. Boot from a live CD
2. Use Linux fdisk to create bootable Linux primary partition 1.
3. mke2fs -O ^dir_index -O filetype -O ^sparse_super
4. Mount the new EXT2 filesystem to a temporary workspace
5. grub-install the drive
6. use grub> root (hd0,0) and setup (hd0) to finish putting grub on the drive.
7. scp menu.lst from a Jnode 0.2.5 3363 svn to /boot/grub
8. scp jnode32.gz, default.jgz and full.jgz to /
9. scp a personal home directory full of java apps to /Exile
10. reboot from live CD
11. choose JNode with all plugins, no GUI, no SMP.

JNode boots, and puts me at the shell, but I cannot get to the ext2 fs with the "Exile" home directory in it.
device shows hda0 started, but I cannot mount it, getting a large screen of red stack trace if I try.
I would really like to be able to read and write to my "home directory", so I can load up tons of my favorite java apps and have a basic Java desktop PC.

Is there something obvious I am missing here?

If you have a look at the

If you have a look at the debug console during startup I'm sure JNode will tell about why it didn't mount the ext2 partition. Though I think I allready know why that happens: You can specify different options when formating ext2 and such extension is "LARGE_FILE", which is taken as a default option. The problem is, JNode doesn't support LARGE_FILE extension and thus refuses to mount the partition.

I replied to the other thread as well: Your best bet is to take a fat32 partition since jfat is the most stable filesystem.

Recommended Options?

Thanks, Peter!
I went with EXT2 first, because I don't know much about Windows stuff, as well as potential patent problems related to it.
I know Linux will build FAT32 filesystems (aka VFAT), so, are there are any options I should include or avoid when building a FAT32 filesystem?

Here's what I am thinking of using:
Sector Number for Backup Boot Sector? 6
Number of FATs? 2
FAT Size: 32
Hidden Sectors: 0
Volume ID: 8 hex digits
Boot Message: None
Volume Name: 11 character string
Number of Root Dir Entries: 512
Number of Reserved Sectors: 2-32 (what are these for?)
Sectors Per Cluster: 8 (4K clusters?)
Logical Sector Size: 4096

So, I am thinking of:
mkfs.vfat -b 6 -f 2 -F 32 -h 0 -i -n -r 512 -R 2 -s 8 -S 4096 -v /dev/

Does this sound right? wrong? crazy?
Robert "Exile In Paradise" Murphey