Hi there,
i just wanted to ask if you ever have looked at JXOS.org and if you ever thought to hook up with them to avoid doing work twice?


License incompability

I have to admit that my posting here was a little bit blindfold. The JXOS license is GPL and incompatible to the JNode license. Also Eout is right with the source code problem. The JXOS guys don't seem to be interested to much in a community project.

Unfortunaly I do neither have the time at the moment, nor the knowlege in hardware programming to contribute. Maybe in a few month.

Regards, Stefan

License incompability ?

Where is the JNode licence definition ? is it not GPL or LGPL ?



Sourceforge states it's LGPL. The problem is, that you can't take GPL code and release it under a less restrictive license (as LGPL is).

Jxos going commercial?

They seem to be going into a commercial direction.
There is no direct download of the sources anymore and you should contact them for a commercial license. It is still GPL... I find this a bit disturbing.

dual licensing


as mentioned before I write a semester thesis about JNode and within that I have to compare JNode with JXOS and tha JavaOS(tm) from IBM.

JXOS is GPL for personal use, for comercial use you have to work out a license agreement with the license holder. (I can not name that holder, because I am not at home now)
This info is from an email Michael Golm (from JXOS) send me two weeks ago.

As you underlined, the source is no longer downloadable. I have to contact them to be up to date with my semester thesis and I will post it if something changes at JXOS.


they stay as posted

I asked Michael Golm about the missing source code and he said, they were only checking the license and their code (...is the code distributable under the current license agreement?)


common driver interfaces

One major problem with any new OS is the lack of device drivers, so there has been some talk in the JXOS mailing list about defining a common driver interface for use in java operating systems. Michael Golm of JXOS has mentioned this effort between JXOS and Plurix, and I have been thinking about bringing JNode into the picture, but I didn't yet do too much because of lack of time. Maybe you can have a look at it if you'd like.


Just found the JXOS link on the Documentation/References page.

Hello everybody, who knows jxos the cvs or the svn address?Thank

Hello everybody, who knows jxos the cvs or the svn address?Thank you very much!