Utility classes
The cli project contains a few utility classes to make implementation of common features across multiple commands easier. Because it is recommended that these classes be used when possible, they are quite well documented, and provide fairly specific information on their behavior, and how to use them. A brief outline will be provided here, along with links to the actual javadoc page.
ADW is _the_ tool for doing recursive directory searches. It provides a Visitor pattern interface, with a set of specific callbacks for the implementor to use. It has many options for controlling what it returns, and with the right configuration, can be made to do very specific searching.
The walker is mainly controlled by FileFilter instances. Multiple filters can be supplied, providing an implied '&&' between each filter. If any of the filters reject the file, then the extending class will not be asked to handle the file. This can be used to create very precise searches by combining multiple boolean filters with specific filter types.
The walker also provides the ability to filter files and directories based on a depth. When the minimum depth is set, files and directories below a given level will not be handled. The directories that are passed to walk() are considered to be at level 0. Therefore setting a min-depth of 0 will not pass those directories to the callbacks. When the maximum depth is set, directories that are at the maximum depth level will not be recursed into. They will however still be passed to the callbacks, pending acceptance by the filter set. Therefore setting a value of 0 to the max level may return the initial directories supplied to walk(), but it will not recurse into them.
Note: Boolean filters are not yet implemented, but they are on the short list.
Extending the walker
Although you can extend the walker to a class of it's own, the recommended design pattern is to implement the walker as a non-static inner class, or an anonymous inner class. This design gives the implemented callbacks of the walker access to the inner structure of the command it's used in. When the walker runs it will pass accepted files and directories to the appropriate callback methods. The walker also has callbacks for specific events, including the beginning and end of a walk, as well as when a SecurityException is encountered when attempting to access a file or directory.
- public abstract void handleFile(File)
Tells the implementing class that a regular file has been found and accepted.
- public abstract void handleDir(File)
Tells the implementing class that a directory has been found and accepted.
- public void handleSpecialFile(File)
Tells the implementing class that a file has been found that is neither a directory or a regular file.
- protected void handleRestrictedFile(File)
- Tells the implementing class that it has found a file that triggered a SecurityException. By default, this method throws an IOException. This will cause walking to completly halt, which is likely undesired, and so it is highly recommended to override this method to provide suitable error message, and optionally continue walking.
- protected void handleStartingDir(File)
Tells the implementing class that it is about to start walking the file system from the given file. This is triggered before the file itself is actually resolved. So the caller has a chance to do some initialization, like possibly changing the current working directory to make a relative path resolve with a different prefix path.
- protected void lastAction(boolean)
Tells the implementing class that walking has finished. If the walker stopped walking because it was requested to do so, then the boolean parameter will be true. Otherwise if the walker finished normally, it will be false.
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