Is it possible to run Eclipse on Jnode ?

Hello I am new to JNode, and do not really sure that i am asking correct question, but i still want to ask you.

Is it be possible to run eclipse on JNode, and if not will it be possible to do it
someday ?

(may be through realization of SWT on top of Swing)

Not yet

This is not possible yet. Though for SWT there is allready a port to Swing. Have a look at SWTSwing. It should be capable of running eclipse with a standard jvm. The huge memory amount of eclipse and the huge amount of code and the (too) slow graphics in JNode won't make it possible to run eclipse inside JNode at the moment, I guess.

Our next midterm goal in that direction is to compile JNode within JNode. Once that is possible we probably will try to focus on eclipse or some other IDE Eye-wink

Though I must admit that noone (or I don't know it Smiling) tried to run eclipse in JNode yet, so you're welcome to try and/or work on it Smiling

To answer your second question: As far as I can tell you, it is a longterm goal to run eclipse in JNode and it will be possible some day for sure Smiling