
Your wonderful project has been brought to my attention and thought that I might be interesting to mention FengGUI here. FengGUI is a GUI library for Java based on OpenGL and offers all standard widgets like buttons, text fields, radio buttons, menus, frames, etc. It also comes with a variety of layout managers and a nice XML schema for defining themes. It is less bloated, faster and cleaner than Swing/AWT and has actually been designed to fit well in multimedia enviroments such video games.

One can use FengGUI on top of JOGL as well as on top of LWJGL. We have been working on it since about one year and a half. The team grew up in the last couple of months to a number of four active developers. Several projects with commercial backing are currently using FengGUI which we see as a good omen that FengGUI is going in the right direction.

You can check out FengGUI's on www.fenggui.org. Also, you will find screenshots of most widgets on https://fenggui.dev.java.net/examples/.

I am wondering whether I would be possible to run FengGUI with Jnode? I would be happy to contribute to Jnode and tune FengGUI to your needs. After all, FengGUI is especially tailored for fast 2D and 3D GUI rendering and appears to me as a perfect match for a Java OS.

What do you guys think?



It would be nice to run FengGUI on Jnode, though we are still several steps away from it since JNode doesn't have support for accelerated graphics or OpenGL, but on the long term JNode should have both.



That's great. And it gives us time to further improve FengGUI. Smiling Please let me know when you start incorporating opengl. I am happy to help where I can with the opengl related stuff. Also it might be interesting to experiment with some new 3D based approaches to desktops, file system visualization and so on....
