Welcome to JNode.org, the website of the Java New Operating System Design Effort.

JNode is a simple to use & install Java operating system for personal use.
It runs on modern devices.

Any java application will run on it, fast & secure!

JNode is open source and uses the LGPL license.

Latest release:
JNode 0.2.8
Hardware requirements:
Pentium class CPU
512M RAM

see details

Boot from USB memory stick

Is it possible to make a bootable JNode USB ?

How to run Jnode from eclipse

Dear All,
I want to join to this project, and before that I am not very familiar with the classes.
Is it possible to directly run the Jnode from source code using eclipse?


Hi all,
I've been looking through the forums and noticing that there are several projects that haven't been included in JNode because they are licensed under the GPL license.

I'm curious why the LGPL license was chosen, since JNode is not a library but is instead a platform.

It looks like a great deal of synergy could be gained by using other Java packages if the GPL license was used instead.

Thanks so much,

Developers: please make yourself Contactable

With people in many timezones working on JNode, it is important that we have good means of communication. The JNode website and IRC play their part, but often private email is the only viable option. A couple of times in the past few days, I've needed to email specific JNode developers, only to discover that their accounts don't have a Contact form. Without the intervention of the site administrators, I have no way to start a conversation with them.

I would like to ask all active or semi-active JNode developers to enable their Contact pages. You can do this as follows:

  1. Login to the website.
  2. Click on the "My Account" link in the right hand menu.
  3. In your account page, select the "Edit" tab.
  4. Scroll down to the "Contact settings" and check the box for "Personal Contact Form".
  5. Click the "Submit" button.

start up time?

Hi guys

i have been familiarising myself with the source code and framework, well attempting to anyway!

How long should the start up of Jnode take under vmware/virtualbox? I'm building with the cd-x86-lite argument and using the default option in GRUB. which gives me a start up time of +/- half an hour... i presume i'm not using the correct argument in the build process?


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