Welcome to JNode.org, the website of the Java New Operating System Design Effort.

JNode is a simple to use & install Java operating system for personal use.
It runs on modern devices.

Any java application will run on it, fast & secure!

JNode is open source and uses the LGPL license.

Latest release:
JNode 0.2.8
Hardware requirements:
Pentium class CPU
512M RAM

see details

SourceForge.net Subversion service downtime scheduled 2008-09-04

A notification from the SourceForge.net team follows bellow:

"On 2008-09-04 at 04:00 UTC, Subversion service write operations will be
offline for no more than 24 hours. During this time, Subversion write
operations (such as commit) will fail with an error. Read operations
(checkout, ViewVC, etc.) will succeed as normal. This downtime is being
used to migrate data on to new storage hardware and conduct performance
testing. We are taking this downtime approach (leaving service online,
with write operations failing) to minimize the functional impact to users."

Application packager

JNode need an application packager for easily testing real world java applications.

I want to make it as easy as the following steps :

  • put the jar of your application in a given directory
  • build jnode cdrom with usual ant script
  • boot jnode and test your application

For a first version, it will only support applications in a single jar and that doesn't need third parties libraries.
The packager will automatically :

  • Create an alias for the main method defined in the jar's manifest or, by default, will find it by scanning the jar.
  • Create a descriptor for the plugin descriptor for the jar
  • Create a jnode plugin and add it to the full plugin list (like if it were added to all/conf/full-plugin-list.xml but without actually modifying the file)

For more informations on the packager, look into package org.jnode.build.packager of jnode-builder sub-project.

Scheduler and process/threads control API

Here _early draft_ of doc, that should helps write PRD (product requirments document) for JNode scheduler and design of API to control processes.

But i need comments and help of community to take a right design decitions and choose best way before try to do something in kernel.

see document in attachment.

Of course i'll work on this document and write more details for every point of it.

Question: Running a command in separate thread

How do I invoke a command--so that it runs in a separate thread?

Is this like Linux?

 grep import > ggg.txt &


Wanted: sort command

I would like to pipe the output from grep through sort to give a sorted list of matches.

grep import | sort


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