Welcome to JNode.org, the website of the Java New Operating System Design Effort.

JNode is a simple to use & install Java operating system for personal use.
It runs on modern devices.

Any java application will run on it, fast & secure!

JNode is open source and uses the LGPL license.

Latest release:
JNode 0.2.8
Hardware requirements:
Pentium class CPU
512M RAM

see details

Embracing uniform resource identifier on the command line

Let's embrace a uniform resource identifier (URI) on the command line. An input-stream, for example, is created from a URI for redirection in a shell.

How do I search a web page on the command line?

1. Download a page with wget.
2. Use grep.

$ wget http ://www.jnode.org/
$ grep href < index.html

Why not download-and-grep a web page?

$ grep href < http ://www.jnode.org/

How do I display a web page on the command line?

$ cat < http ://www.jnode.org/

How do I display the md5sum of a document?

$ md5sum < http ://www.jnode.org/

How do I download-and-uncompress an archive?

$ gunzip < http ://www.jnode.org/demo.tar.gz | tar x

How do I display the contents of a resource inside a jar?

$ cat < jar:demo.jar!/license.txt

The URI provides an alternative syntax for local files, too.

$ cat < in.txt
is equivalent to
$ cat < file :/in.txt

JNode and Ant

After reviewing the official documentation of Apache Ant, I wrote a program called GetProgram. It implements the Program interface and executes the Get task (org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Get).

$ get src=s dest=d

It was not difficult to provide a wrapper for an Ant task. It was just tedious. Instantly, if there were a generic way to discover the list of Ant tasks and the parameter types for an Ant task, a serious collection of JNode commands would wrap corresponding Ant tasks. Instead of invoking the ant command, invoke the task directly in a shell script.

Of course, not all Ant tasks would be easily invoked from a command line.


Hi all

i've been arbing around for awhile trying to get my head around the source code, and finally decided to make the plunge and submit something.

I've written a md5 checksum tool that runs in the jbourne shell. I know this isn't exactly i high priority type of thing to write, but i needed to start somewhere... Smiling

What i'm battling with at the moment is getting the CLI right.
ideally i want to have 2 distinct options

1. md5sum (-r) file1 file2 fileN
2. md5sum -c checkFile

I seem to be screwing up the syntax xml tho...

Have attached the source file for the command, any help would be much appreciated.


Real Panic

Hi guys

I have just built Jnode from the source using the x-86-lite argument.
I tried to start Jnode from VirtualBox and get the attached error.

Are there any ideas as to what has happened?
I did see the following post

but could not find the file they mentioned(jnode\all\build\x86\bootimage\bootimage.lst) in order to try and track this down.


WANTED: Hosting for JNode integration and regression testing server

We need hardware infrastructure for setting up a JNode integration server and regression test execution facility for regular use in support of our daily development activities.

The regression tests will be executed under JNode probably running in a virtual machine like kvm or vmware. In an ideal case JNode could use 2GB of RAM in the virtual machine and one dedicated microprocessor with excellent single threaded performance. This is because we expect to run large test suites in the future where CPU performance is crucial for obtaining reasonable run times.

We also need remote shell access to the server for installing and maintaining our software environment.

Please reply to this post with suggestions for the solution. It is a great opportunity to show your support if you like the ideas and goals of this project.

Thank you,
Levente Sántha

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