Welcome to JNode.org, the website of the Java New Operating System Design Effort.

JNode is a simple to use & install Java operating system for personal use.
It runs on modern devices.

Any java application will run on it, fast & secure!

JNode is open source and uses the LGPL license.

Latest release:
JNode 0.2.8
Hardware requirements:
Pentium class CPU
512M RAM

see details

Font Implementation

What about using


as a font rendering implementation?

Help still need?

I'm a Java developer with an interest in Jnode. I'd like to help with whatever I can. I have little experience with developing a OS but I feel that I can learn. If there is still some need I'll be happy to attempt to help. Just let me know if you'd like my help.


to read JNode

I want to learn knowledge of the Boot and startup,that is before org.jnode.boot.Main.vmMain() method.but I do not know what resources i should read besides jnode's assembly language code.can anyone help me?
i download jnode 0.1.2 and run it well in VMware5.5.it is pretty good.I am java programmer,i am delighted to see JNode is an operating system just written by java and assembly code.


Java usb

Until june 2005, java usb api specification (JSR 80) reached final released status. This specification define API to access usb device from java. Is it a good idea to implement this spec (or integrate javax.usb sourceforge project) to jnode or continue to use current implementation ? The goal should be a clean separation between java usb api and usb device controller implementation.

Fabien L.

Website: 10 Things I Hate About (U)NIX

I think this is quite a interesting read:


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