Welcome to JNode.org, the website of the Java New Operating System Design Effort.

JNode is a simple to use & install Java operating system for personal use.
It runs on modern devices.

Any java application will run on it, fast & secure!

JNode is open source and uses the LGPL license.

Latest release:
JNode 0.2.8
Hardware requirements:
Pentium class CPU
512M RAM

see details

private desktop operating system.

Can you create a Version for normal private user? then it would be an alternative to Linux/Unix

Change Irc Server

The IRC server you guys are using is pretty annoying to try and connect to(oftc). I was wondering whether it would be possible to change to freenode instead?

Secure Coding Guidelines for the Java Programming Language

It may be a good idea to try to follow the principles outlines in the following document:
Secure Coding Guidelines for the Java Programming Language.
All points are important at their place but those mentioned under "1. Accessibility and Extensibility" apply to basically every class of a system and are particularly important for the most essential core classes and packages of JNode.
It will be a good read to all.

persistent file system

How can I setup JNode to use a persistent file. Currently it look like a RAM disk in VMWare player. After a reboot all changes are lost.

If this is currently not possible then can you give me some hints where I can contribute to make this possible.

Problem building Jnode from SVN on Win32(Vista)


I am trying to build Jnode on Win32(Vista). I have the latest SVN, latest JDK (1.6r17), and latest stable NASM with all envornment variables seemingly set correctly. 'build.bat cd-x86-lite' gives this:

JAVA_HOME is set to "c:\Program Files (x86)\java\jdk1.6.0_17"
Buildfile: all\build.xml
[echo] Setting memoryMaximumSize to 768m

[mkdir] Created dir: c:\jnode\all\build
[mkdir] Created dir: c:\jnode\all\build\reports
[mkdir] Created dir: c:\jnode\all\save
[mkdir] Created dir: c:\jnode\all\build\cdroms
[mkdir] Created dir: c:\jnode\all\build\descriptors
[mkdir] Created dir: c:\jnode\all\build\plugins
[mkdir] Created dir: c:\jnode\all\build\initjars
[get] Getting: http://codemammoth.com/jnodeftp/classlib/20090722120045/cla
[get] To: c:\jnode\all\lib\classlib.pack.gz
[get] Error opening connection java.io.FileNotFoundException: http://codem
[get] Error opening connection java.io.FileNotFoundException: http://codem

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