Welcome to JNode.org, the website of the Java New Operating System Design Effort.

JNode is a simple to use & install Java operating system for personal use.
It runs on modern devices.

Any java application will run on it, fast & secure!

JNode is open source and uses the LGPL license.

Latest release:
JNode 0.2.8
Hardware requirements:
Pentium class CPU
512M RAM

see details

Applications and management of the System.{in,out,err} streams

In a Java application running under (say) Linux, the application is free to do things like changing System.{in,out,err} using the corresponding set methods, or close the corresponding stream objects. These actions will only accect the current application.

If an applicayion running within JNode does these things, it will effect everything else running. This is because the System stream variables, and often the streams themselves, are shared by all running applications. While this behaviour is literally equivalent to what the Sun Java specs say, it is clearly not appropriate:

  • It causes applications to behave differently when run under JNode.

NativeCodeCompiler specification

I'm interested to see the specification for NativeOCdeCompiler.
Could anybody give an explanation about the ABI it uses, please?

More detailed - the functions which compile methods to native code have to
emit position independent code isn't it?

What is interface bitween that code and stack tracing, GC and so on?

VMware Ultimate Virtual Appliance Challenge

Alex Karasulu pointed me in the direction of the "VMware Ultimate Virtual Appliance Challenge". It would be interesting to see JNode in the competition.

From their site:

The Challenge is making those appliances available to the whole community while rewarding their creators with recognition and $200,000 in prizes.

Starting the week of June 5, rate and comment on all finalist virtual appliances. Ratings posted by July 31, 2006 will determine the VMTN Community Choice Appliance winner.


I just wont to ask the quistion about RTSJ (likely too early to be implemented) ... is there some place reserved for RTSJ in JNode?

Support for other processor architectures

Found something about proting it to PPC...
well ...
as I know some pure java assembler for ARM is implemented in OpenWonka JVM. COuld it be a startpoint for supporting ARM in JNode?
What is about of supporting some interface for simple adding of new architectures and boards, may be one alredy exists in JNode?

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