Welcome to JNode.org, the website of the Java New Operating System Design Effort.

JNode is a simple to use & install Java operating system for personal use.
It runs on modern devices.

Any java application will run on it, fast & secure!

JNode is open source and uses the LGPL license.

Latest release:
JNode 0.2.8
Hardware requirements:
Pentium class CPU
512M RAM

see details

Need more stability first

Hi there,

I visit Jnode.org seldom but regularily to check on its progress. Today I downloaded the
0.2.3 iso and it took me multiple boots to get it to boot to its shell (it hung after
it had initialized the ramdisk). Once I was in the shell I decided to run a simple hello
world class in it:

class test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Write once.. run ANNNYWHEEEREEE!");

which I compiled with

java version "1.5.0_01"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_01-b08)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_01-b08, mixed mode, sharing)

New final version of JSR 82(Bluetooth)

Just a pointer to the java api for bluetooth, it might be interesting to see it in JNode.

Here is a link: JSR82 JavaTM APIs for Bluetooth.


Open Source Java

Sun recently announced its intent to make Java open source:
Computer World Article
ITWire Article

How would this move influence JNode?

Sam Reid

Switch to Subversion -- Migration in progress


JNode development will switch to Subversion in a couple of days.

To all developers, please commit your (safe) changes now, of make a patch that you can apply on the new Subversion archive.

If there is any reason to delay the switch, please contact me directly.


CVS server access modification

The CVS serves at SourceForge have been reorganized recently and the way of accessing the JNode CVS reporsitory has changed.
If you have a JNode source tree already on your local hard disk you need to check out the sources to a new location or alternatively you can perform a global find/replace operation starting from the root directory of the current JNode sources where the SourceForge server name should be changed from cvs.sourceforge.net to jnode.cvs.sourceforge.net in every CVS/Root file of the source tree. This equally aplies to anonymous and developer access.
For more information see https://sourceforge.net/docs/E04 and http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=80882.

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